Friday, June 25, 2010

The web of web design

Web design is pretty foreign to me, even though I'm online a lot, I never put much thought into the design part of it. You either like it or not right? It either grabs your attention and you say cool and browse a bit, or you just move on. Sam made an appointment with Dan the graphic artist/photographer (It's great to know people that can work in different capacities), I didn't really know what to expect since I never thought I would have my own web page. So, like a dip I took a couple of my favorite scrapbook magazines thinking this would give Dan a great visual.

Melissa & I met with Dan who basically said ok explain to me what it is your trying to do, why, and how. I was speechless.......... thankfully Sam was there sitting quietly, mainly for moral support. But I looked at him and he could see I was at a loss for words. I actually thought he had given Dan a brief overview of what we were trying to do. I gave him the "take over" look, which he happily did. Since he's the technical side of the project he quickly explained to Dan the whole streaming, which would weekly be consolidated into You Tube snippets. Cool right? Dan asked is anyone doing this? Well not really, but Sam has done a lot of investigation of how to set up this whole system, not to mention he invested a small chunk of change and he found a simple, affordable way to do it.

So, Dan looks at me and says "well what do you want your page to look like?". Really for Dan he just needed for me to give him some type of visual description. My explanation of a scrapbook/bulletin board sort of type of thing gave him nothing to go on - he's a single guy and he has probably never seen a scrapbook page, or my crazy huge bulletin board loaded with sketches of future scrap pages, photos, ticket stubs, notes, flowers, and bugs...

Oh well he quickly sent us on our way with an assignment, which was to go through and look at sites that have thousands of file pics for me to view until I found the style, pattern, color... For me to do this in the daytime is virtually impossible. Time just doesn't allow it, and neither does Rocky (my grandson)! So this meant late nights on the computer marking the files I liked. The girls were a little critical seeing as "I don't know what's cool", and after spending a substantial amount of time picking out 100's of examples Sam tells me "all's you need is 3 examples" well he could have told me that sooner!

Second meeting with Dan I had a much better idea of how I wanted my page to look. I showed him a couple of examples (from the 100's I chose) and let him do his thing. Funny thing with Dan is you never really know what he is envisioning and if it is what you are envisioning. But this is where you just have to trust the professional and see what he comes up with.

Called Dan to see if we could come by and see his design concept. Very anxious to see what he has come up with. Will it be me? Will it be appealing to others? I guess we'll see........ I think it's amazing, it's fun, it's exciting, and looks like a fun place to visit, maybe even hang out. So here is a snapshot of my page which is almost ready.

<3 Lizzi


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