Another great day in the studio, I am so pleased with the speed and fluidity of the project. I can't express how amazing it is to work with John and Sammy. When we were beginning this project I mentioned how I felt like I was stepping into their world. Honestly it was a little intimidating, but now it feels like we are a cohesive team and I know we are all working towards the same thing: an amazing album.
As the videos are uploaded it seems like so much has happened since each one. Even hearing the lullaby completed, I forgot how sweet and pure the song is, and it makes me so proud to be a Grandma who can express her love in this way. No matter what Rocky will always know he is special to me.
Today we completed the third song. This song speaks of a relationship and how after time we tend to loose touch with one another. It really is a conscious effort to stay connected, Sam & I have been married for almost 29 years and believe me our lives are jam packed with stuff we are doing, things to do, plans, and hopes... Our children have taken up so much of our one on one time, that it's easy to get lost in their lives and what they are doing. It's great to support your kids interests, needs, and everything else, but it will keep you busy. Sometimes you can loose touch as a couple, but as I see my children getting older I am reminded that this is the man I fell in love with, and this is the person I chose to spend the rest of my life with. I don't want to get to the point where it's just us and we've forgotten who "us" is. And that was the inspiration for this song. When Sam got his new truck with a bench seat, he was so happy that I could sit right next to him (his babe) just like when we were dating, arm around my shoulder, and singing as we drove along. No one had to remind us to enjoy each others company, we would make a way to be together, or we'd talk on the phone for hours. We had no concept of time when we were together, now we have to go so far as to make a date just to get away. I think anyone in a relationship for an extended period of time can relate to this song.
Before I close I just wanted to thank everyone who's been watching the live stream, and also apologize to those who haven't been able to log on. We are maxing out our capacity for viewers, so when one person logs out another can log on. Sam is working with Mike of Ctek Media to see how we can increase viewer capacity. So it's good that people are watching and it's bad that only a limited number of people can watch at a time. So please be patient with us while we try and correct this. I am happy to say that we have come a long way in a very short time! I hope you will keep watching, and supporting us with all your positive comments, and please tell others about it. The Iklectix & I love sharing the gift of music with you. Hope you'll see us tomorrow.
<3 Lizzi
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