I love Saturdays, it's a catch up day, a fun day, and really an anything you want it to be day. I had a couple of things that I knew I absolutely had to do. Started the day with my coffee and toast in bed. My Hubby is really good about making sure I get my caffeine fix, since he's seen me suffer severe headaches if I wait too long to have my coffee. He came and sat with me while I shopped on ITunes for some new music. Today Michael Buble really caught my attention and I bought about eight of his songs. I also tried to revisit the past and listened to some Teena Marie, yes she was my favorite. Portugese love, I used to have her record and would play it over and over. I'm gonna hip you to the T, what's the T, now you know that's me! We had fun with that for awhile, then it was time to get up and atom. I cleaned out the refrigerator, made some delicious spaghetti for lunch. Rode my bike around the gazebo a few times, I'm still a little shaky turning, stopping, and starting, so I figure if I can do it in the backyard, then on a straight path it would be a cinch. I dropped Felice off at work, and from there met Sam at the studio to do a summary interview of this past week. I've gotta say I was pretty disappointed when I saw how big I looked on camera, turns out Sam had a wide angle lens on the cameras...rude! Hopefully I'll look way slimmer from now on. Last week I had sent a text to Rudy (the audio/video tech) "Do you think there's a way besides a diet that could make me look thinner?Seriously". Anyway, now that that's taken care of : ) I went in, put on my make- up, was mic'd up, planted in the chair, bright lights, asked a few questions, and again totally out of my comfort zone. Did it, then made it to Cathedral of Faith for their guest speaker Bruce Wilkinson. Fabulous teaching, very practical, applicable lessons.
My must do today, visit my Mama. My week was so busy that I had missed spending time with her. So I picked up some tacos, and enchiladas (her favorites) so we could visit and chat. I showed her my Ipad, which she was totally amazed by. We enjoyed going through the family profile photos. She saw most her grandchildren without even leaving the house. We had a very nice time, and of course like all Mom's do, sent me home with a bag of peaches, freshly picked from her tree. I love that about my Mama, she never let's me leave empty handed.
Well look out for the summary clip of Week 2 and there's quite a few other clips on YouTube. My incredibly intelligent husband found a way to increase our viewer capacity, so hopefully that will all come together this week so we can all be in the same place at the same time. Isn't technology great - I love technology! I think so, me and Napoleon Dynamite or was it his brother? Anyway, have a great Sunday, and I'll see you again on Monday.
<3 Lizzi
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