Friday, August 13, 2010

Two Days of Rest

Sometimes things just fall beautifully into place. This week has been a great example of everything being in alignment. I had a couple of days in the Studio where we completed the lyrics to two songs, then I had a few days off. This really wasn't a scheduled selah, but the boys needed to complete the two songs musically before I could go in and sing the lead vocals. Of course the ballad may need some key changes, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. It's great when each song just seems second nature to sing. Once I memorize the words that leaves one less thing to worry about. Which makes for a superior lead vocal.

I have had much to do these days off. My son has been away at Royal Kids Camp this week, so I made it one of my goals to go through and clean and sort his room out. I also needed to do some deep cleaning, some delicious baking (my bananas were screaming to become bread), I also made some fabulous berry muffins. I just love baking, I used to think that would be my profession of choice. But then I began with the Taqueria, and decided I loved cooking. I collect cookbooks, among many other things like: vintage buttons, electricity conductors, stamps, I love vintage things, there's so much history, character, and detail in the simplest of things. That's why I love buttons, because they were the first apparel accessories, and many were hand painted, or carved, really little pieces of art.

I was able to get a lot accomplished this week and it feels good. But I absolutely can't wait to see my baby boy. He's my little sidekick, he loves to hangout with me, eat what I eat, likes Subway sandwiches, sushi, fruit, he's totally happy with a salad for dinner. Sam pretty much detests veggies so to have a son that loves them is pretty odd. Anyways so excited to pick him up tomorrow. I will be back on track on Monday, in the meantime I will have some much needed home time.

<3 Lizzi

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