Hey there, what a wonderfully long day! I say wonderful because we were able to go live! And you know how difficult of a time we've had with the equipment. Unfortunately my day began at 5:30 am when Sam got in. He had the computer technician come in at 12:00 midnight to check what was going wrong with the system and why we couldn't get audio. They worked until early morning until it was finally up and running (thanks Mike). I will never understand how Sam can function on only 3 hours of sleep, but he does. By 8:30 am he was up and running to drop off Felice at school and get to work. Dusty came and climbed in bed with me and began sketching on the iPad. It was a beautiful castle complete with the king, then he played his snowboard game. I am still amazed at how kids today are so computer savvy. I didn't even show him how to work the device and he just found his way around and is able to maneuver around just fine.
While he did that I worked on some lyrics for the song we would be working on today. I couldn't exactly remember the melody, so I just wrote little snippets of thoughts in the direction I wanted the song to go in. I figured I could fine tune things in the studio. I also wanted to see if the guys had any ideas as well. I picked up Rocky at around 12:15, then went to pick up Felice at school. I treated the kids (really myself) to McDonalds. I was supposed to be in the studio at 1:00 so I was in a rush. I knew Sam was going to be there to make sure everything was functioning properly, but he only had an hour lunch. I worry about him spreading himself too thin, and becoming exhausted. But as I said he loves a project, and he is so excited to see it all come together.
John's parents were in town from Southern California for a couple of days so John took the day off to hang out with them. Samuel & I figured we could work on the song started yesterday, or work on a whole new song. Samuel was still not able to use his hand completely because of his sprained wrist but, we figured we'd just play it by ear(no pun intended). We arrived and for some reason the visual streaming was working perfectly, but you couldn't hear the audio part of the streaming. Here we go again, more problems, Sam put in a call to Mike to give him tech support over the phone and he walked him through the process of logging onto the system. Sounded like Greek to me.
Luckily John called to say he was bringing his parents by so they could see the studio. Everyone else had met them but me, John has been such a big part of our family I felt like I already knew them when I finally got to meet them! John's Dad is on FB so I had seen pictures of them and I knew that if they had such a great son than they also must be great people too. Sam thought it would be good to interview them and see what they thought of their son's profession. Talk about nice people! John's parents were talkative, witty and downright delightful. They had no problem answering questions about John as a child, young man, and as an adult. It was a memorable interview and a real pleasure to meet them.
After John and his family left Samuel and I began working on one of the old songs my Mama used to sing. We decided on a couple of oldies but goodies. Then moved onto the song we started working on yesterday. I showed him the phrases I had written earlier and we settled on one for the chorus. He went through and formatted the song with the intro, verse, chorus...added bass guitar. I added some lyrics. Considering we didn't have a set schedule we were getting alot accomplished, but then I received a call from Sam at his work. He asked me what we were doing then proceeded to tell me what we were doing, how we were seated, our every move, he even asked Samuel to dance. I swung around to see if he was watching us, and he was WE WERE LIVE! Amazing right? Amazing and exciting, it all works beautifully, finally Sam's vision come to life. This was cut short by a call from Felice that I needed to come home because Rocky was crying and she was at her wits end. I said my goodbye's, Grandma duty, very important!
What a great day, I came home and had a wonderful nap with the baby. Now to work on my lyrics for tomorrow. So excited to see you then, I'll send out a notice when I will be in the studio along with the live stream address. <3 Lizzi
I can't wait to see it!!! I can't wait to hear you guys... very mucho excited! Iguana POWER! xoxoxo